New England
Lace Group

NELG Monthly Meeting

  • April 20, 2019
  • 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Joshua Hyde Public Library, Sturbridge, MA


  • Attendance at monthly meetings is free to members. Newcomers and guests are always welcome!

Registration is closed

The library opens at 10:30 a.m., so please come early to visit with your lace making friends. Please register for this event so we know how many to expect.

Don't forget we have a "Show and Tell" table at each monthly meeting that takes place in Sturbridge.  Members are encouraged to bring a fiber-related project that they have recently finished to show to the group, and to declare some bragging rights!

Program: NELG Bookmark in Flanders Lace

Flanders lace is a part of the so-called Continental Laces that were developed in what is now Belgium and France.  While older books on Flanders often rely on abstract motifs that may not appeal to modern lacemakers, modern patterns have expanded the types of motifs to more modern designs.

In this program we will look at some of the modern designs as well as variations on the basic ground. From the NELG library, there will be an NELG Flanders bookmark pattern to make or, for those who are new to Flanders, a ground practice piece.  You will be able to change the ground to personalize your bookmark.

The practice piece and the bookmark are sized for 50/3 cotton.  The samples were made with Finca 50/3.  Gutermann cotton (sewing thread) is easily available and should work well.  The practice piece will need 36 pairs of bobbins.  The bookmark will need 52 pairs plus a few extra pairs in the motifs.  Cookie pillows are recommended, at least 20” in diameter.  Bobbin holders will be necessary.  These can be crocheted, wooden, or stitch holders (spangled Midlands only).  If you want to start a piece you will need the usual supplies:  pins, cover cloth, etc. 

Additionally, please bring paper and three different colored pencils or markers, preferably red, green, and purple that are distinguishable in all light.  This will let you choose your ground from the NELG library.

New England Lace Group © 1982-2024 Last update May 12, 2024